Ring inspired by 'Numbing'

Ring inspired by 'Numbing'

Dear reader,

Meet the first ring of the Vulnerability Shields collection - it was inspired by the concept of 'Numbing'. 

Due to our fear of discomfort, we often find ourselves standing at the crossroads of embracing our vulnerability and numbing. Numbing is the shield we unconsciously layer over our hearts and minds, believing it shields us from pain and uncertainty. But did you ever stop to think, that by numbing those unwanted, uncomfortable emotions, we also numb the others?

When we numb, we mute distress, but we also dim our experiences of joy, love, and belonging. It’s like turning down the volume on life itself; everything becomes less vibrant.

I deeply believe that when we numb, we miss out on so much. We might be temporarily soothed by the reduced intensity of those uncomfortable feelings, but we also don't get to experience those highs that joy can bring.  

So I created this ring to offer you a wearable reminder to welcome those difficult feelings too. And whenever you start engaging in numbing behaviors, I hope this ring reminds you to pause and ask yourself: 'What am I trying to run away from?'.

Thank you for reading,

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