Meet the smallest Vulnerability Shields members

Meet the smallest Vulnerability Shields members

Dear reader,

Vulnerability is a bedrock for connection, and there's no way of establishing deep meaningful relationships with one another without it. However, sometimes people confuse vulnerability with oversharing, which they actually use as a vulnerability shield to protect themselves.

So what exactly is oversharing? It's when we share too much, too soon, without establishing the necessary trust. It's not vulnerability, but a defense mechanism. It makes the listener feel like a 'deer in headlight' —bright, harsh, and often blinding. It's a way to protect ourselves by pushing others away before they can truly see us.

Imagine this: You’re at a casual coffee meet-up, and instead of small talk about the weather, someone dives into the deep end, revealing their most traumatic experiences within minutes. Your natural reaction might be to recoil—not because you don’t care, but because the intensity of the disclosure doesn’t match the setting or the level of trust that has been established. This reaction can affirm the sharer’s fear: "See? No one can handle my truth and frankly, no one cares."

But that's a way to prove yourself right, without actually putting yourself out there. It's skipping all the intricate nuances and steps that appear when someone vulnerably puts themselves out there. 

My 'Oversharing' earrings are inspired by this very concept. As you put on these earrings, let them remind you of the strength found in vulnerability and the beauty of connecting authentically. Let’s cultivate connections that are rooted in genuine understanding and trust.

May these earrings inspire you to share your story in a vulnerable way. 

Thank you for reading,


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