Welcome to "Vulnerability Shields" collection

Welcome to "Vulnerability Shields" collection

Dear reader,
Welcome to the Vulnerability Shields collection. 
During our life, we all experience varying degrees of disappointment and rejection. We learn to camouflage and hide ourselves, in the hope that this will protect us from judgment, rejection, and failure. We learn to shield our soft and loving hearts in many ways by using various vulnerability shields.
As you grow older, you might realize that these very shields, once thought to be your protectors, have become towering walls, barricading you from the authenticity and deep connections you yearn for. Little by little you grow to understand that in order to be the person you really want to be, you need to let yourself be seen and known. You need to put these shields down. 
This requires a lot of courage, and that is where my new collection, Vulnerability Shields, comes in. This collection includes 7 pieces that represent common practices we use in order to try and avoid vulnerability. 
Our commonly used vulnerability shields that inspired my upcoming collection are:
- Perfectionism
- Foreboding joy
- Numbing
- Hyper independence
- Criticism
- Oversharing
- Serpentining
With this collection I want to invite you to think about the shields that you are currently carrying. I want you to know that it’s okay to put them down, even when it feels scary. I hope that you choose to let go of the heaviest shield you’re carrying and exchange it for a piece of jewelry. 
Finally, I want you to know that you don’t need to hide your wonderful self any longer. The world is looking forward to see the true and vulnerable you. I know I am.
This collection is very dear to me and I hope you enjoyed discovering it so far. 
Warm regards,
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